Organize and connect your project resources with links

A centralized hub where you can store, categorize, and share links related to your project.

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Link groups
Group related links together to make them easy to find and browse. Drag and drop links to move them between groups effortlessly.
Enhance links with descriptions
Add detailed descriptions and inline images to links, providing contextual information and visual references to enhance understanding and engagement.
Stay updated with watchers
Assign team members to specific links as watchers to keep them informed of updates and discussions through notifications.
Comment directly on links
Every link in Upbase supports commenting. Discuss content, share insights, or ask questions right where the resources are.
Connect everything
Link resources to tasks, documents, files, or other links, creating an interconnected information network and simplifying navigation.

All resources at your fingertips

Transform your Chrome New Tab page into a productivity hub with bookmarks, links, tasks, and notes.

Install Chrome extension - It’s Free

One place for all your personal and team’s work

No more wasting time switching between multiple apps. One tool, unlimited potential.

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