Get your project files organized and centralized

Centralize your files and collaborate on shared files in one place.

Get started now. It’s FREE
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Organize files in folders
Create folders and subfolders to match your project’s hierarchy, making navigation and file retrieval effortless.
Embed Google Drive folders
Embed your Google Drive folders directly into Upbase for a unified view of all your documents.
Ask for feedback with comments
Engage in detailed discussions right next to your files. Keep conversations organized and contextually relevant.
Link tasks, files, and more
Enhance connectivity by linking to tasks, other files, tasks, documents, links, and more, creating a fully integrated workspace.
File versioning
Easily upload new versions of a file with just one click. All previous versions are stored in one central location, making it simple to retrieve them whenever you need.
Public sharing
Share files publicly with people outside of your organization with just a single click.

One place for all your personal and team’s work

No more wasting time switching between multiple apps. One tool, unlimited potential.

Get started now. It’s FREE