Plan your day for peak performance

Stay organized, focused, and on track with Upbase's intuitive daily planning tool.

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Multiple views

Define your priorities for the week with the weekly backlog

Have some tasks you want to get done this week but haven't decided on the exact days yet? Add them to the Weekly Backlog and schedule them later.

Personal backlog
Easily manage your priorities for the next four weeks. Drag and drop tasks to different weeks as needed.
Team backlog
Quickly see your team’s priorities for the week. Stay accountable and eliminate the need for stand-up or status meetings.
Tasks roll over
You can choose to have incomplete tasks from last week's backlog automatically carried over to this week.
Keyboard shortcuts
Hover over a task card and press B to add it to This Week’s Backlog, G to add it to next week. Press 5 to go to the weekly backlog page. In the Daily and Weekly Planner view, press S to open the backlog sidebar.

Plan your week with ease

Boost productivity and effortlessly take control of your week with the Weekly Planner view.

Weekly Planning
Efficiently organize your week by dragging and dropping tasks onto any day. This ensures all your important tasks are accounted for without overcrowding your schedule.
View your team's schedule at a glance
Get a bird's-eye view of who is doing what on any given day of the week. This shared view improves transparency and helps balance workloads across the team.

Time blocking for what matters

Allocate specific times for each task, enabling better clarity and focus. Time blocking helps you dedicate uninterrupted periods to high-priority tasks, making it easier to manage your day.

Google Calendar integration
Our 2-way sync lets you view your Upbase tasks and Google Calendar events in one unified space, ensuring you never miss a beat.
Daily Notes
Jot down thoughts, brainstorm ideas, or perform a brain dump to stay clear and focused. With saved templates, you can quickly organize your thoughts using pre-set formats. Easily review all your notes at a glance whenever needed.
Keep important notes handy with the Notepad. Unlike Daily Notes, the information here doesn't change daily, making it perfect for ongoing references.
Recent items
Jump back into your most recent tasks and projects with just a click. The Recent Items feature keeps your latest work accessible, helping you resume where you left off without any hassle.
Pomodoro timer
Enhance your focus with our built-in Pomodoro Timer. Choose from a variety of ambient sounds and dive deep into your work sessions, followed by restful breaks.

Never miss another crucial deadline with reminders

Say goodbye to missed deadlines and overlooked tasks! Let Upbase reminders be your dedicated personal assistant, ensuring you stay on top of every important date and commitment.

Multiple reminders
Effortlessly stay ahead, reduce oversights, and enjoy a stress-free approach to managing your commitments.
Automatic reminders
No need to set manual reminders. Just input your due date and time, and Upbase will automatically set reminders for you.
Recurring reminders
Once you set reminders for recurring tasks, you'll receive timely and ongoing notifications, keeping you consistently on track.
Recurring tasks
Manage ongoing commitments with ease. Set tasks to recur daily, weekly, monthly, or custom intervals, ensuring you're always on top of your responsibilities.
Handy keyboard shortcuts
Navigate through your planner faster with keyboard shortcuts. Switch views with "1, 2, 3, 4", move between days with arrow keys, or jump to today's date with a simple slash "/".
Mobile app
Stay connected and informed on the go. The Upbase mobile app lets you quickly view your weekly and daily schedule, ensuring you're always prepared, wherever you are.

One place for all your personal and team’s work

No more wasting time switching between multiple apps. One tool, unlimited potential.

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