Get instant answers with real-time chat

Quickly get in touch with your teammates without using a separate chat app.

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List-related channels
Each list in Upbase comes with a pre-made dedicated chat channel, ensuring communications are organized and directly linked to the relevant project.
Custom channels
Create custom channels for any purpose. These channels are independent of specific lists, allowing you to add members and name them freely, ensuring a space for every team interaction.
Direct messages
Send direct messages to any team member for private conversations. It's perfect for sharing sensitive information or having quick check-ins.
Access all related files and links
Quickly access any file or link shared in chat channels and direct messages, making it easy to find and share information.
Mute notifications
Adjust your notification settings to focus without interruptions. Mute specific channels to ensure you only receive alerts for priority communications.
@mention, attachments, and more
Use @mentions to alert colleagues, replies to respond to specific messages, and emojis to add personality. Attach files in chats for quick context or updates.
Mobile app
Take your conversations anywhere with the Upbase mobile app. Stay connected with your team, access chats, and respond to messages on the go, anytime and anywhere.

One place for all your personal and team’s work

No more wasting time switching between multiple apps. One tool, unlimited potential.

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