New in Upbase: Cover images and new keyboard shortcuts

We are excited to announce some new updates to Upbase that will make your work even more efficient and streamlined.

Add cover images to tasks

Now, you can select an image attachment and set it as the cover image.

These cover images will be visible on task cards when using board and planner views.

Note: This feature only works with NEW image attachments added to your tasks after this update; it won’t work with existing attachments.

New keyboard shortcuts

We’ve added numerous keyboard shortcuts to Upbase to enhance your experience. These shortcuts provide seamless navigation and assist you in performing common actions on tasks with a simple key combination.

To view a full list of keyboard shortcuts, press “?” on the keyboard or click the menu below.

Here are some examples:

Shortcuts for Schedule views

Navigating between schedule views is now super handy. Use the keyboard shortcuts 1, 2, 3, 4 to switch between Daily Planner, Weekly Planner, Weekly Calendar, and Monthly Calendar.

When using the schedule views, press “<” or “>” to move to the Previous or Next Day/Week/Month; press “/” to jump to Today.

Shortcuts for tasks

On the task detail panel, you can now perform common actions with a simple keystroke:

We hope these updates enhance your Upbase experience. As always, feel free to explore and let us know your thoughts.

Note: If you do not see the update, please log out of the app and then log in again.

A big thank you from the Upbase team!

As we wrap up 2023, the entire Upbase team would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support. 🎄🎉

We’re committed to elevating your experience with Upbase to new heights in 2024, bringing you innovative features, improved functionality, and an even more seamless user experience.

We wish you a joyful holiday season filled with warmth, laughter, and moments of reflection. May the upcoming year bring you success, growth, and all the accomplishments you strive for.

Thank you for being an essential part of the Upbase community. Let’s make 2024 our best year ever! 💪 🎯 🚀

Warm regards,

Team Upbase