New in Upbase: PDF viewer, Toggle lists, better assignee filter, and more

Pdf viewer

Now you can view your PDF files directly in Upbase, without having to download them or open them in a new tab.

Toggle lists

Toggle lists are collapsible lists that make it easier to organize and view information. You can add toggle lists to Docs, Notepage, and Daily Notes. Nested toggle lists are supported as well.

There are two ways to add a toggle list:

  • Use the slash command
  • Select the content you want to put into a toggle list and choose the “Toggle list” icon in the currently displayed menu.

Better assignee filter

Filtering tasks by assignee is now easier than ever. With the new layout, you can switch between different assignees with a single click.

Better yet, when you’re filtering tasks by an assignee, all newly created tasks will be automatically assigned to that user.

Another benefit of the new layout is that you can quickly see all members within a list.

Guest management page

On the Settings – People page, you will see a “Guests” page. This will allow you to manage all guests invited to your lists.

Important: To completely remove a guest from the workspace, use this page instead of the list settings page. Removing a guest from a list will not remove them from the workspace.

Improved Pomodoro Timer

We made some improvements to the Pomodoro timer, including:

  • Adding ambient sounds to help you concentrate and stay focused. These sounds can also block out distracting noises and create a peaceful work environment.
  • Making it easier to adjust time intervals.

We also created a standalone online Pomodoro timer, in case you want a simple timer without having to log in to the app. Check it out here:

Daily Planner view on the mobile app (submitted, awaiting release)

The Day view includes My Tasks (tasks assigned to me and tasks created by me), Daily Notes, and Notepad.

We also added Daily Notes and Notepad on the Homepage.

Tip: Use Upbase as a desktop app

The desktop app is not available yet. But if you use Chrome, you can install Upbase on your desktop and have the same app experience. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open the Upbase app on Chrome and look for the “Install” button in the address bar.
  • Click on that button and then click “Install Upbase”.
  • That’s it. Once the Upbase app is installed, you can launch the app from your desktop.

What’s next?

Here are what we’re currently working on:

  • Google Calendar integration (our most requested feature)
  • List duplication.
  • Email to tasks.